InstaHouses of Worship

Not feeling I could do justice to any of the topics I was tempted to write about before the end of day 15 of the #bahaiblogging challenge, I decided instead to share some images of Bahá’í Houses of Worship from Instagram. These days, finding photographs of faraway places is becoming increasingly easy, and presented here are the continental Houses of Worship, and one local House of Worship, through the eyes, and lenses, of Instagram users. Continue reading InstaHouses of Worship

London Evening News – Monday April 29, 1963

A couple of months ago I was reading the final chapter of Earl Redman’s “Shoghi Effendi: Through the Pilgrim’s Eye“, which focusses on the Bahá’í World Congress in London in 1963. This congress celebrated 100 years from Bahá’u’lláh declaring Himself a Manifestation of God.

Reference is made a couple of times, in that last chapter, to a special souvenir edition of the London Evening News and I was wondering whether I would be able to Google a copy of it somewhere. I couldn’t, but – as luck should have it – that same afternoon I was clearing out a Bahá’í property and found a pile of Newspaper clippings from the time of the Congress, including the front and back pages of that special edition. Continue reading London Evening News – Monday April 29, 1963

The Long Healing Prayer

I have fond and vivid memories of a small Bahá’í get together in the heart of Sussex during my youth, at which I was discussing with a friend the longest prayers that we had committed to memory. I was very impressed when my friend told me that she had memorized about half of the long Healing Prayer.
“Really?” I asked,
“Yes!” She replied, “Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One!”

That verse is repeated thirty-nine times during the prayer, 40 times in many older prints of the translation. For today’s blog post I am going to offer a short reflection on this long prayer. Continue reading The Long Healing Prayer

personal blogging